Safe Walking Starts With You: Pedestrian Safety
LIGHT UP THE NIGHT! October is Safety Month. Check out our October events.
Whether you walk your car, to a bus stop, to a bike, or all the way to campus, nearly everyone becomes a pedestrian throughout their day. We can promote a safe and comfortable environment for walking on campus by keeping in mind these guidelines.
Look up and stay alert
Keep your head up and be aware of vehicles in the area. Avoid texting while walking. If you need to use your phone, step aside and resume walking only when you are able to keep your eyes up.
Walk on sidewalks
If a sidewalk is not available, walk facing traffic on the shoulder of the road to stay visible to oncoming vehicles.
If a sidewalk is closed due to construction, look for the orange pedestrian detour signs for a safe route back to the sidewalk.
Cross at street corners, use crosswalks, and wait for the walk signal
If a crosswalk or intersection is not available, locate a well-lit area where you have the best view of oncoming traffic. Wait for a gap in traffic that allows enough time to cross safely. Continue watching for traffic as you cross.
Be aware of your surroundings. If you’re wearing headphones, keep the volume low
Staying alert can help prevent accidents. Pay attention to the traffic around you. If you’re wearing headphones, keep the volume low to ensure you can still hear noise from cars, e-bikes, skateboards or e-scooters.
At UMD, you never have to walk alone:
- Feeling unsafe or in a jam? The UMD Student Police Auxiliaries (SPAs) provide free walking escorts, jump starts, and locksmith services - just call 301-405-3555 and or use a blue light emergency PERT phone nearest you until 12 a.m. on campus and until 2 a.m. in parking garages.
- Have a long walk ahead? Hop on the free NITE Ride shuttle daily from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. and on Shuttle-UM during the day to destinations including: Adelphi, New Carrollton, Columbia, Hyattsville, Silver Spring, Greenbelt and College Park.
- Want to walk together? Find or start a walking group for one-time or for regular trips via the Smart Commute Ride Board and earn rewards along the way! Traveling in groups keeps you safe and visible on the road.
Be visible. Wear something light or reflective after dark
Make yourself visible to drivers. If walking after dark, select bright colors or reflective clothing to ensure you can be seen.